All About DMIT
First of all lets see what DMIT is, basically it is stand for Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test. It is designed to develop a faithful and tested character and behavioural judgment suitable for use in human resource placement in industry, military, trade and commerce, education, personal adjustments, forensic sciences & career development. These judgments are based upon the individual biometric traits that one is born with. There is no age limit for this test. Anyone can discover his/her hidden talent at any age through
First of all lets see what DMIT is, basically it is stand for Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test. It is designed to develop a faithful and tested character and behavioural judgment suitable for use in human resource placement in industry, military, trade and commerce, education, personal adjustments, forensic sciences & career development. These judgments are based upon the individual biometric traits that one is born with. There is no age limit for this test. Anyone can discover his/her hidden talent at any age through
Multiple Intelligence
Scientifically it has been verified that the
development of the brain, its lobes and fingerprints is done during the 7th and
21st week of pregnancy. Therefore there is a direct correlation between the
development of the brain and fingerprint. During the development the
information is transcribed as our finger prints that are unique for everyone.
All with the Science of Dermatoglyphics one understands persons hidden
potential and talents. This is a technology or a science which studies the
patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of
human. It opens or reveals the congenital/hereditary or inborn links between
our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents.
In this word DMIT Dermatoglyphics, came from
ancient Greek words “derma” it means skin and “glyph” meaning is carving, this
means the scientific study of the fingerprints. It is a perfect scientific
proven method to decode or to calculate the brain’s potential and talent.
Through the physical formation of fingerprints, which has linkage or connected
to brain development. It isn’t means that this is Palmistry and is future
telling it is straight forward technology.
In this term DMIT the Dermatoglyphics is a
professional industry that combines or includes neurobiology, genetics, brain
science and embryology coupled with clinical or medical studies. In elaborating
or explaning this system, experts from Dermatoglyphics took psychological
pattern profiles with more than 500 thousand individuals since 1985 across
China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia to generate a database for
cross verification and comparison study which can help individuals to learn the
way to discover their inner potential. Dermatoglyphics Multiple intelligences
test is scientifically proven. Besides, data acquisition process is
computerized. That’s why, we are able to achieve an accuracy of more than 90%. All
human body prints formation & formation of brain are synchronized with the
fetus in the mother’s body in first thirteen weeks and first nineteen weeks. It
has been medically / scientifically & clinically proven that body prints
and existence of multiple intelligences are completely linked. Various
Functions of DMIT at different ages. DMIT provides various reports that deal
with family, relationships, children’s education, the corporate world and
marital life.
(age 1-4): DMIT discovers the hidden inborn talent of Kids.
DMIT is scientifically recognized knowing a toddler’s potentials at the early
age will help parents make decisions on parenting charms and educational
(age 4-12): In this age of four to twelve,
Children are very curious to learn / know and they can absorb more than they
will, when they grow older. To find or to know their learning styles and areas
of intelligences in this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they
should spend more time on.
& Students: It defiantly helps in choosing right academic
courses and suitable career path. Understand most effective ways and style of
Learning. If someone follows suggestive tips then that person can choose and
excel in desired career by overcoming weaknesses. It defiantly increases confidence
& improves relationship with parents and peers. Reduces peer pressure by
understanding oneself & helps developing well-groomed personality
Kedar Takalkar and Vedashree Gokhale – is a dynamic team of
professionals from various educational field who have come together to spread
D.M.I.T. concept in Pune.
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