How Reading Help Childs Educational School Life.
Now a days every child has the strength and
power to succeed in educational life and every parent, can help. Main question
is: How can we help our children to succeed? The answer is a combination of
common sense and research about how children learn and how to prepare them to
learn. Just example, that children tend to do the same things as their parents
do. Whatever we tell and do in our daily lives it can help them to develop
positive attitudes toward school learning and helps to build confidence in
themselves as learners. Showing our children that we both gives important to
education and use properly it in our daily lives provides them with powerful
models and contributes greatly to their success in school. When parents and
families are involved in their children’s education life, the children do
better and have feelings about going to school. We help our children to succeed
by co-ordinate with teachers to make sure that they provide curricula and use
teaching methods that are based on best strong scientific evidence about what
works best in helping students to learn. The purpose of writing this blog is to
make available to you information that you can use to help your child to
succeed in educational life.
You may follows
our activities that you can do with your child to help build the skills,
attitudes and behaviours needed for school education success. The activities
age level are indicated at the start of each activity: Ages 5-7, Ages 7-9 Ages 9-11 keep in mind, however, that
children don’t always learn the same things at the same rate. Parents are the
best judge of what your child may be ready to try, so you can use the age
levels as guides as your child learns and grows, not as hard and fast rules.
Many times an activity listed for children ages 7–9 may use to 5-year-old child.
On the other hand, the same activity may not applicable to child until he is 9
or 10. Every parents has a dream that their, child want to learn in a way no
one else can. That desire or thirst to learn is a key to your child’s later
success. Enjoyment is important! So, if you and your child don’t enjoy any
activity, then it’s time to move on to other activity. You can always return or
choose to any activity after some period on.
Encourage Your
Child to Read
Help your child
to become a reader. This is the single most important thing that you can do to
help the child to succeed in school life as well as in life. The importance of
reading simply can’t be overstated. Reading is very important to children in
all to learn all school subjects. Here we are providing some tips on how to
help your child become a reader.
Start early. When
any child is still a baby, reading aloud to him. This is very important method
and parents should become part of their daily routine. At beginning, read for
no more than a 4- 5 minutes at a time, but 2-3 times a day. As your child grows
younger or older, you should be able to tell if he means your child is wants
you to read for longer periods. As you read, talk with your son or daughter
always encourage him to ask questions and to talk about the story whatever he
read. Ask him to predict what will come next. When your child starts to read,
please ask him to read to you from books that he enjoys. Also make sure that
your home has lots of reading materials that are appropriate for your child.
Keep books, magazines and newspapers in the house. It is definitely not
necessary that reading materials should have to be new or expensive.
You definitely
find best books and good magazines for your children at library. Also suggest
your family members and friends to consider to give your child books and
magazine as any kind of gifts for birthdays or other special occasions. Set
aside quiet time for family reading. Some people may enjoy reading book or any
blog aloud to each other, with each family member choosing a book, story, poem
or article to read to the others. ß Show that you value reading. Let your child
see you reading for pleasure as well as for performing your routine activities
as an adult—reading letters and recipes, directions and instructions,
newspapers, computer screens and so forth. Go with your child to the library
and check out books for yourself and also for your child. When any child observes
that reading is important to the life, then child will be likely to decide that
it’s important to her, too.
Get help for your
child if he has a reading problem and also help them to solving problem. The
important thing is that no matter how time it takes, most children definitely
can learn to read. Parents, teachers and other professionals can work together
to determine if a child has a learning disability or other problem and then
provide the right help as soon as possible.
This is all about
reading strategy how to develop your child educational future. In Next blog we
will see how to solve problem with talking and how it is important to decide
career future.
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