For several decades , psychologists, educationists,
career counselor in pune were trying to find a
model way to probe into a person’s mind – to find his/her aptitude.
In 1983 a major breakthrough arrived, by the
discovery of Multiple Intelligence The theory was first put forth by Professor
Howard Gardner in his principality -book , Frames of mind. For his work on
broadening our understanding of human intelligence Gardner received one of the
prestigious MacArthur Fellowship Awards. While his original theory included
descriptions of 7 intelligences, in the mid-1990s he began to propose that
there was an eighth kind of smarts — naturalistic intelligence. Later the
Ninth Intelligence was added– Existential or Cosmic Smarts
Gardner was the Hobbs Professor of Cognition and
Education at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, The main strength of
Gardner’s work is that he accurately pinpointed parts of the brain as these connection
to each of his described intelligences.
Over the past 40+ years Gardner’s MI theory is
acclaimed and being applied by teachers, parents and career counsellors as a
tool for explaining and differentiating the talents and gifts of children. The spread
of this important theory reached all over the globe.
This discovery, the treatise has helped many
teachers and parents better understand how to use children’s strengths to
improve or heighten cognition and learning.
While initially Professor Gardner described seven
aspects of human intelligence as being verbal/linguistic; mathematical/logical;
spatial; musical; kinesthetic; interpersonal; and intrapersonal, in 1994 he added
eighth intelligence, “naturalistic intelligence”(or “nature smarts”). Naturalistic
intelligence was then more fully described and officially added to his thesis
seven intelligences in 1999 in his book Intelligence Reframed.
All of us in
school have been told that we are intelligent in some aspects/subjects and not
in some. If you are not good at math or language, you might still be gifted at
other things but it was not called “intelligence”- before the above theory was
In 1983 an American developmental psychologist
Howard Gardener put forth 9 types of intelligence[1]
Naturalist (nature )
Musical (sound )
Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning )
Existential (life )
Interpersonal (people )
Bodily-kinesthetic (body)
Linguistic (word)
Intra-personal (self smart)
What other
scientists thought there were just soft-skills or interpersonal skills,
Gardener realized its the types of intelligence. It makes sense. Just as being
a math whiz gives you the ability to understand the world, so does being
“people smart” give you the same ability, just from a different perspective.
Not knowing math you may not calculate the rate at which the universe is
expanding, but you are likely to have the skills to find the right person who
For something
to qualify as an intelligence, it has to satisfy Howard Gardner’s eight “signs”
of intelligence. After extensive research, Gardner identified nine, distinct
This is the
capability to visualize and
conceptualize and design vast spaces, 3D These persons can be architects,
This suggests
the ability to manoeuvre one’s body, or
parts of the body ( hands, legs or the
mouth). These persons can be dancers, actors.
MUSICAL inteligence
This faculty
is cognitive to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody.It can lead to the ability
to sing, play musical instruments, and/or compose music .
LINGUISTIC inteligence
to the meaning of words, order among words, and the sound, rhythms,
inflections, and meter of words (e.g. poet). (Sometimes called language
The capacity
to conceptualize the logical relations among actions or symbols. Famed
psychologist Jean Piaget believed he was studying the range of intelligences,
but he was actually studying logical-mathematical intelligence.
The ability
to interact effectively with others. Sensitivity to others’ moods, feelings,
temperaments and motivations (e.g. negotiator). (Sometimes called social
NATURALISTIC inteligence
The ability
to make consequential distinctions in the world of nature , for example,
between one plant and another, or one cloud formation and another (e.g.
taxonomist). (Sometimes called nature intelligence.)
EXISTENTIAL inteligence
It deals with a sense to
understand human existence and the
meaning of life.
DMIT- Dermatogyphic multiple
intelligence test is used by career counsellors, career advisors in Pune for
children, adults and even for people working in Corporate world, IT companies
and so on.
The well
acclaimed center in Pune- THE Dmit Counseling Center- is a subject expert in
this model of counselling. The result is it has mapped the career path of hundreds of students.
The test not
only clarifies students but also the parents after they discover the aptitude,
IQ Test results and DMIT results.
For more
details and to book your appointment bright future of your child, visit our website
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