Know The 9 Types of Intelligence

Every parent is concerned about the career counselling of their children. Here is a piece of valuable advice for them on career guidance.
The advice to astute parents- Know the 9 types of intelligence.
Now first of all, please understand that marks are not everything. It’s the brilliance the child shows in certain aspects. Let us see the types as per the theory:
1. Logical Reasoning ability
This person is good at calculating,  classifying,  puzzles, and  associations.
This is the most highly regarded intelligence in school education. Such persons can shine in careers as scientists, computer programmers, inventors. Some of the Famous people Nicola Tesla, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates.
2. Verbal Linguistic talent
These people are good at reading, writing, listening, or they may enjoy writing poetry and stories. These careers can be of writers, public speakers, lawyers. Some famous people with this are JK Rowling who wrote Harry Potter, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. 
3. Visual-Spatial talent
This speaks for the ability to draw, visualize, and design.The careers for them are Architecture, computer science, design. The well-known names who are good at this are Picasso, Steven Spielberg who made Jurassic park film, Architect Charles Correa, Fashion designer Calvin Klein.
4. Bodily-Kinaesthetic talent
These persons are you’re “well-coordinated” and “athletic”. The careers can be of a Dancer, actor, sportsman. The famous people with this intelligence are Sachin Tendulkar, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Bruce Lee.
5. Musical talent
They can follow and appreciate the art of music, listening, composing and performing music. The career can be in music. The famous people with this intelligence: Mozart, Bhimsen Joshi, Shivkumar Sharma, Zakir Hussain.  
6. Interpersonal – People talent
They like socializing, sharing, conducting interviews and cooperating. They can be an excellent group leader and a team player. Interpersonal careers are Politicians, teachers, social workers, counsellors. The famous people with this intelligence: Oprah Winfrey, Rajat Sharma, Mother Teresa.
7. Intrapersonal talent
These people are introspective, independent, and self-motivated. They can be as a Psychologist/poet/therapist. The famouspeople in this are Aristotle, Gandhi, Hellen Keller. 
8. Naturalistic – nature smart
They are connected to the earth, learn by working with nature. Their careers are Zookeeper, veterinarian, conservationist. The Famous people with this intelligence: Steve Irwin (“The Crocodile Hunter”), Jane Goodall, Gregor Mendel.
9. Existential intelligence 
These become philosophers, theologists. The famous people with existential intelligence: Buddha, Lao Tzu, Osho, Simone de Beauvoir
DMIT Counseling in Pune is a well-known organization in this regard. They can do- Dermatoglyphic multiple intelligence tests – and can find out the type of intelligence of your child. It is a scientific process based on fingerprint, psychology, neurology, embryology. This way you can decide upon the career he/she can choose and succeed in life.
Call us to book the time- make the appointment for the bright future of your beloved child!


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