Fingerprints demonstrating different characteristics

Our fingerprints tell a lot of facts, about ourselves and our personalities. While Psychometric tests are also one of the crucial factors in determining personality, the domain of fingerprints is also significant. Fingerprints are typically made of different patternson the tip of each of our fingers. They start developing when the baby is inside the womb of the mother. However, it is not just limited to the DNA or the genetic material of the person.

What makes that one factor unique about fingerprints? Why are they so important?

Fingerprints are like our identification cards. They are exclusive to our personality and hence are exclusive to our characteristics. DMIT counselling for students, commonly use fingerprint analysis to understand their aptitude and interests.

Trivia: Do you know, even identical twins have different fingerprints?

How can you define the uniqueness of your fingerprints? How is one able to define certain personality traits in an individual through fingerprints?

We take a look

As mentioned above, fingerprints are a presentation of different patterns, commonly called ‘friction ridges’. The ridges are connected to the orifice or pores, wherein they are connected to the sweat glands under your skin.E.g., you touch a glass, it is through these sweat glands, and an impression will be left on the surface. This is similar when you touch a cup of coffee, open the door, type on the keyboard, etc.

The one question which you may have in your mind is, are all the fingerprints the same? How will you differentiate and define them?

Fingerprints are classified into different categories and sub-categories.

The main categories in which they are organized are
  • Loops
  • Whorls
  • Arches


Loops are imprinted on one side of the finger and curve either upward or downward towards the other side of the finger.

Loop fingerprints personality characteristics-

People with loop fingerprints are found to be easy and happy-go-lucky about life. They do not think much and go with the flow. They embrace change willingly and are natural-born leaders. They have extremely good work ethics and will whole-heartedly respect others. Negative traits- Disorganized and lack initiative in any kind of task.

Double-loop Personality characteristics-

This is one of the rarest fingerprints and people with these fingerprints are considered to be manipulative. They are said to be emotionally unstable and rarely have good relationships. However, they do tend to look at both sides of the coin and gain a wholesome view of any situation.


As the name suggests, these types of fingerprints form a circular pattern on our fingers.

Whorl fingerprints personality characteristics-

People with whorl fingerprints are extremely independent and have a dominant personality trait. The whorl normally indicates a high level of intelligence and a strong-willed personality. Negative traits- Their dominating nature can sometimes lead to perfectionism and lack of empathy for others.

Spiral Whorl

These types of fingerprints are spiraled in the form of an uneven or even curve. They are extremely self-motivated and have an individualistic personalities. They thrive in careers that require individual working. This nature of theirs can sometimes lead to aloofness or lack of emotions for others, although they do care for others.


Again, as the name suggests, arches are upward and downward movements like a mountain that are formed on one’s fingers.

Arches Personality traits

People having arches fingerprints have analytical, practical, and organized traits in their behavior. They will make an excellent career as scientists or anything which needs methodological applications.Negative traits- They are the least risk-taking people and will not like to deviate from their fixed path.

Tented Arch

One of the impulsive fingerprints personality traits is the tented arch. They are often brash and do not seem to confine to any particular behavior. They can be welcoming one day and completely disinterested the other day. Again tented arch is a rare fingerprint to find.

Peacock’s eye

People with these fingerprints tend to have an artistic sense of mind. They have a high level of perception sharp observation skills. They are very artistic with imaginative skills. Negative traits- They cannot confine themselves to the mundane and seem to be in a world of their own.

The science of fingerprints is a fascinating field where a lot can be understood about an individual’s personality. This highly interesting art is believed to have originated in India. An extensive and rich amount of research is continuously going on for reaching perfect conclusions and understanding human nature. It is also an excellent path to identify dominant personality traits that help an individual choose a career.

Looking for a top fingerprint analysis reading? At DMIT, one of the leading Counselling centers for adults in Pune, we have a highly expert team to guide our clients on the right career path to lead a successful life.


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